PhD. Primo Micarelli - Profilo completo del Responsabile del Centro Studi Squali di Massa Marittima - Curriculum Vitae in English Version

Primo Micarelli
Grosseto 01-01-64
Via Enrico Fermi 24 – Massa Marittima GR 58024 Italy - 00393896732796 - 00390566919529
e-mail : ,
Place and Date of Birth: Grosseto Italy 1st january 1964
Nationality: Italian and French
Marital Status: Married

2005 University Of Siena
Ph.D. in Environmental Science – Marine Biology. Ph.D. School of Technology in
Environmental Science “G.Sarfatti” (Aquariology specialisation). University of Siena.
Scientific Director Prof.Bargagli R. cotutor Prof.Bentivegna F. Title. “Educational experience in
Argentario Mediterranean Aquarium and Research in Posidonia Reef Barrier along S.Liberata
1994 University of Tor Vergata in Rome
Master in Management of Aquatic Resource supported financially by Italian Gas Society
(Italgas) and sponsored by the Italian Environment Office, January-July. Scientific Director
Prof. Fresi E.
1993 Buzzati-Traverso Foundation
E.N.E.A. Aquaculture Unit – Casaccia
Scholarship: "Management in saltish-aquaculture in Orbetello lagoon and pollutant reduction
by phytopurification". In the main time I followed fish cage-farming (Sparus aurata) (1 year),
Scientific supervisor Doct.Ceccarelli R.
1992 University of Bretagne Occidentale and P. et M. Curie Paris VI (Brest-France).
Master Degree in Biological Oceanography (D.E.A. Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies),
option: Management of the Coastal Ecosystem Subject for practical stage in Brest IFREMER:
Induction of the Pecten maximus (Scallop) spawning with injection of Serotonine-like and
Dopamine-like neurohormones. Scientific supervisor Doct. Devauchelle N. and Prof. Glemarec.
1991 IFREMER Centre of Brest
Scholarship: one year Specialisation in Scallops (Pecten maximus) aquaculture (farming and
breading tecniques in hatchery). Sponsored by Italian Education Office of Scientific Research.
Scientific supervisor Doct. Devauchelle N. and Dao J.C. (1 year)
1990 Ichtyologic Laboratory Orbetello in S.Liberata
Studentship sponsored by the chamber of commerce in Grosseto. Aquaculture training course
about: breading techniques, the control of reproduction and the pathologies of Dicentrarchus
labrax and Sparus aurata and production of phyto-zooplancton in Hatchery. Lagoon of
Orbetello Italy (2 years)
1988 University of Siena – Biology Department
Master Degree in Biology achieving a mark 110/110 cum laude, Supervisor Doct. G.Pozzi (4
1983 Classical secondary school "Dante Alighieri" in Orbetello (Italy).
General certificate of education in Classical studies (Bachelor)
2003/14 White Shark Trust – Shark Diving Unlimitede – Marine Dynamics
White Shark Expedition march-april diving observations and daily lectures about Biology and
natural life of Carcharodon carcharias in Dyer Island South Africa organised by P.Micarelli
Siena University and Posidonia Ass. Centro Studi Squali – Aquarium Mondo Marino, E.Sperone
University of Calabria in agreement with M. Rutzen S.D.U.
2000 South African White Shark Research Institute
1st White Shark Expedition since 3 to 13 april 2000 (9 days) diving observations and daily
lectures about Biology and Natural life of Carcharodon carcharias in Dryer Island South
Africa directed by C. Ferreira and M. Ladley
2000 University of Nancy and Tropical Nancy Acquarium
“ Aquariological Technics ” stage 61 Cuces-, France. Since 16 to 21 october. Dr.P.Louisy
1992 IFREMER Centre of Brest (FRA)
Stage and training in: phytoplankton and zooplankton production - Scallops rearing in hatchery
Dr.ssa Devauchelle N..
1990 Scientific Committee of Marevivo (Environmental Association)
Collaboration as an expert-biologist scuba diver to replant Posidonia oceanica in the Feniglia
beach of Orbetello Italy directed by Prof. Cinelli and Prof. Colantoni, Pisa University.
1990 Adriatic Sea World, Delphinarium Riccione and W.W.F. Italy.
First training course for "Rapid Action Teams, S.O.S. Cetaceans - Life saving". Three days fullimmersion
1989-90 Environmental Biology Department University of Siena
Collaboration with Dr.A.Renzoni Professor of pisciculture and scientific supervisor of
Environmental Biology Department. We studied the quantity of Hg in High Tyrrenian sea fishes
and in fishermen who consumed them.
- a.a. 2006/2007: Contract for Aquariology Professor (teaching module “Acquariologia”) (Environmental Science
Degree: curriculum Management of Coastal ecosystem, Siena University, BIO03 CFU3) (24 hours).
- a.a. 2007/2008: Contract for Aquariology Professor (teaching module “Acquariologia”) (Environmental Science
Degree: curriculum Management of Coastal ecosystem, Siena University, BIO03 CFU3) (24 hours).
- a.a. 2008/2009: Contract for Aquariology Professor (teaching module “Acquariologia”) (Environmental Science
Degree: curriculum Management of Coastal ecosystem, Siena University, BIO03 CFU3) (24 hours).
- a.a. 2009/2010: Contract for Aquariology Professor (teaching module “Acquariologia”) (Environmental Science
Degree: curriculum Management of Coastal ecosystem, Siena University, BIO03 CFU3) (24 hours).
- a.a. 2010/2011: Contract for Aquariology Professor (teaching module “Acquariologia”) (Environmental Science
Degree: curriculum Management of Coastal ecosystem, Siena University, BIO03 CFU3) (24 hours).
Degree graduation exams:
- A.y. 2007/2008: Member Review Commission of Science in Environmental Science (New Order Bachelor) Faculty
of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of the University of Siena branch of Follonica for the session
of 17/12/2008.
- A.y. 2009/2010: Member Review Commission of Science in Environmental Science (New Order Bachelor) Faculty
of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of the University of Siena branch of Follonica for the session
of 15/04/2010.
- A.y. 2009/2010: Member Review Commission of Science in Environmental Science (New Order Bachelor) Faculty
of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of the University of Siena for the session of 15/07/2010
- A.y. 2010/2011: Member Review Commission of Science in Environmental Science (New Order Bachelor) Faculty
of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, University of Siena
- A.y. 2010/2011: Member Review Commission of Science in Biological Sciences Faculty of Mathematical, Physical
and Natural Sciences, University of Pisa
- A.y. 2013/2014: Member Review Commission of Science in Biological Sciences Faculty of Mathematical, Physical
and Natural Sciences of the University of Florence
2009 Aquarium Mondo Marino Curator of the aquarium. (, Coordinator and
founder of “Centro Studi Squali”. Massa Marittima Gr. Italy
2008-2009: University of siena - Collaboration in the preparation and coordination of the "Regression of algae in
Santa Liberata (Orbetello, GR) and Caulerpa racemosa recolonization invasive alga
cholorophyta var.cilindracea" proposed by the Study Centre University Grosseto - Univ.Siena.
Activities: Responsible for underwater activities, coordination of sampling, data collection and
drafting of the final report.
2006-09 Acquario Lagunare di Orbetello (technic and scientific management by Posidonia Italy ) Curator of the aquarium of Orbetello, since July 2005 and in
the same time curator of Argentario Aquarium. Via Nizza Talamone (Orbetello) (Gr)
2006 Posidonia (no-profit association) M.Argentario
Cofounder of the Association, involved in environmental – didactical projects.
2006: University of Siena - Collaboration of the research project aquarium and biomarkers (ecotoxicology:
Gambusia), , coordinator Prof. CL Marsili, S. Casini
2005 Technic and scientific project for the new “Pietrasanta Marine Aquarium” (Acquario
marino) in Pietrasanta, (Lu, Tuscany, Italy), for the Pietrasanta City Hall opening planned on
summer 2008, consultant project maker.
2004 Technic and scientific project for the new “Orbetello Lagoon Aquarium” (Acquario
Lagunare) in Talamone, Orbetello (Gr) (Tuscany, Italy), for the Orbetello City Hall opened on
11 july 2005, consultant project maker.
2004 University of Siena - Project collaborator biomarkers - aquarium (ecotoxicology: soles), , Director Prof.
CL Marsili, S. Casini
2004 University of Siena Preparation and management of the project, "Mapping Posidonia along the coast of
the Monte Argentario island", coordinated by the University of Siena. Coordinators Dr Franchi
(Siena Univ.) and Dr.Lenzi (Laboratory LEALAB Orbetello)
2003: University of Siena - 2003: Project Manager for aquarium Biomarkers (ecotoxicology: barnacles),
Investigator Prof. CL Marsili, S. Casini
2001-06 Acquario Mediterraneo dell’Argentario C.D.B.M.A. (managed by AMAsm Italy)
Curator of the Argentario Mediterranean Public aquarium, since 15 june 2001 to december
2000 Technic and scientific project for “Argentario Mediterranean Aquarium” (Tuscany, Italy)
opened on 15 june 2001.consultant project maker
1998 AMAsm (Accademia Mare Ambiente sm, no-profit association) M.Argentario
Associate since 1998 to 2006, co-founder of the Association .
1996 Lealab Laboratory of Lagoon Aquaculture and Ecology in Orbetello
External consulting expert in: Molluscs breading, farming, Coastal ecosystem management.
1996 MAJA (Aquaculture and fisheries consulting) Rome
External consulting expert in: Molluscs breading, farming, Coastal ecosystem management.
1996 C.I.E.S (Centro di Ingegneria Economica e Sociale) in Cosenza (Italy)
Senior Teacher in a Training Course for "Mariculture" about: "Water quality in aquaculture and
molluscs rearing ", financed by U.E. and Calabria Regional office of labour. Supervisor
Dr.Ponticelli A.(6 months)
1995 IFREMER Centre of Brest
Ecotoxicology Research Contract (Cadre de Recherche I) to develop Biotest: Pollutants action
on Scallops and Oysters embryos by controling water quality. Program STEP2000 (Station
d'epuration 2000) sponsored and financed by French Environment Agency and Societè Lyonaise
des eaux. Scientific supervisor: Doct. N. Devauchelle (2 years) (Responsible for Oysters and
Scallops rearing in hatchery).
1994 IFREMER Centre of Brest
Ecotoxicology Research Contract (Cadre de Recherche I) to develop Biotest: Pollutants action
on Scallops and Oysters embryos by controling water quality. Program STEP2000 (Station
d'epuration 2000) sponsored and financed by French Environment Agency and Societè Lyonaise
des eaux. Scientific supervisor: Doct. N. Devauchelle (2 years) (Responsible for Oysters and
Scallops rearing in hatchery).
1994 Ecomar Coop. and Ferrara University
Research Contract about the reproduction and rearing of Pecten jacobaeus (Scallops) at the
Molluscs Research Centre Ecomar Goro (Fe). Director Paesanti F. and Scientific supervisor:
Prof. Rossi R. Ferrara University (Zoology Department): (4 months).
1993 Flaminia Foundation in Ravenna
Teacher for a course in: "Aquaculture technics in lagoon environment". (1 month)
Italian, French, English, basic Spanish
Public aquarium management and aquarium projects consultant - water quality – sharks, fishes, molluscs husbandry –
shark biology and behaviour – aquaculture – aquariology – laboratory research
Prof. Claudio Leonzio Dr. Nicole Devauchelle Prof. Flegra Bentivegna
Environmental Biology Department Department Ressources Vivantes Aquarium A.Dohrn
University of Siena Ifremer Centre de Brest Stazione Zoologica
Via delle Cerchia 53100Siena Italy B.P. 70 Plouzane 29200 France Napoli Italy
- Lenzi M e Micarelli P.: Variazioni nella struttura trofica dell'ecosistema lagunare di Orbetello (Gr).Quad. Mus.
St. Nat. Livorno 10:9-17 (1989).
- Lenzi M e Micarelli P.: La vegetazione marina tra Talamone e P.S.Stefano (GR). Quad. Mus. St. Nat. Livorno
10:19-38 (1989).
- Micarelli P.: Induction de la maturation des ovocytes de coquille Saint Jacques (Pecten maximus) et declenchement
de la ponte par des neurotrasmetteurs: Serotonine-like, Dopamine-like et Prostaglandine PGE2. Resumè final du
D.E.A. rapport IFREMER pp.31 (1992).
- Devauchelle N, Micarelli P, Guerrier P, and Desilets J. : The neurohormonal induction of release of oocytes and
sperm from Pecten maximus. 9th International Pectinid Workshop Vol.I Nanaimo 22-27 April. Can. Tech. Rep.
Fish. Aquat. Sci. pp 148-158 (1993).
- Micarelli P e Devauchelle N.: Maturation and fertilisation in vitro of Pecten maximus oocytes using Serotonine
and Dopamine agonists. Rivista Italiana d'Acquacoltura. (1993) 28-93/103.
- Micarelli P. : Preliminary data on short-term conservation of male gametes of the scallop Pecten maximus, for
experimental purposes and development of aquaculture. Rivista Italiana d'Acquacoltura, 28-93\103 (1994).
- Micarelli P., Di Bitetto M. & Ceccarelli R. : Preliminary histological observation of mature gonads in Pecten
jacobaeus fished off western Sardinia. Rivista Italiana d'Acquacoltura, 29-73\77 (1994).
- Micarelli P e Ceccarelli R.,. Ottimizzazione dei processi produttivi in impianti di acquacoltura salmastra: lo stagno
di Frecciolosa nella laguna di Orbetello. Rapporto della Fondazione Buzzati-Traverso, Aprile (1994).
- Micarelli P e Ceccarelli R: Biology, spawning and rearing of scallops (Pecten maximus, jacobaeus). Laguna,
may-june, n°20, pag 16-27, (1994).
- Micarelli P ed altri: Ritrovamento del cranio di un Cetaceo Odontocete lungo la spiaggia della Giannella presso
Orbetello. Dati biometrici ed identificazione della specie. Atti. Mus. civ. Sto. Nat. N° 15 31 (1993) pg.152-155 issn
- Lenzi M e Micarelli P.: La vegetazione sommersa di fondo molle tra Talamone e la foce dell'Ombrone. Atti Mus.
civ. Sto. Nat. Grosseto (1993).pg.61-70 issn 0393-6015.
- Micarelli P, Di Bitetto M e Ceccarelli R.,. Preliminary observations on the reproductive activity of Pecten
jacobaeus, caught in the Tyrrhenian sea. Histology of the gonadic development. Bordeaux Aquaculture Congress. in
Measures for Success ed Muir e Sevila, E.A.S. Special Publication N° 21. pg 232-233 (1994).
- Ceccarelli R, Di Bitetto M, Lenzi M e Micarelli P. Optimisation of productive processes in integrated
aquaculture systems. Bordeaux Aquaculture Congress. in Measures for Success ed Muir e Sevila, E.A.S. Special
Publication N°. 21. pg 71-72(1994).
- Micarelli P, Ceccarelli R, Di Bitetto M. e Lenzi M., . Soluzioni di fitodepurazione in allevamenti in
acquacoltura salmastra: il caso dello stagno di Frecciolosa nella laguna di Orbetello. 25° Congresso della Società
italiana di Biologia Marina ad Alghero. 25-5-94. Biol. Mar. Mediterranea. 2 (2): 321-322 (1994).issn 1123-4245.
Poster comunication.
- Devauchelle N, Micarelli P, Desilets J and Guerrier P.. The Hormonal stimulation in Pecten maximus.
Proceedings of the 9th Pectinid Workshop. Nanaimo, 22-27 April 1993.
- Micarelli P, Ceccarelli R, Di Bitetto M, Mattei N.,. Maturity stage evaluation in Pecten jacobaeus gonads fished
in Adriatic and Tyrrhenian sea. Aquaculture and water resource management. Stirling Congress 21-25 June (1994).
Proceedings of the congress.
- Micarelli P e Paesanti F., . La risposta alla serotonina iniettata nelle gonadi di esemplari di Pecten jacobaeus
pescati nel mare Adriatico. 26th Congres of Italian Marine Biology Society. Sciacca (Sicile) 22-27 May . Biol. Mar.
Mediterranea (1995).issn 1123-4245.
- N. Devauchelle, N. Robillard, P. Micarelli e P. Guerrier. Induction de la ponte chez la coquille Saint-Jacques:
utilisation des neurotransmetteurs. Colloquio IFREMER, "La reproduction naturelle et controlée des bivalves
cultivés en France" Nantes 14-15/11/95. (1997), pg 149-156 – DRV/RA/RST/97 .
- N. Devauchelle, J. Cosson, G. Dorange, N.Doubovick, C. Faure, J.P.Girard, P. Micarelli, L. Orsini et M.E.
Valdez, .Variations de la qualitè des embryons de Crassostrea gigas et de Pecten maximus dues à la qualité des
gamètes.Colloquio IFREMER, " La reproduction naturelle et controlée des bivalves cultivés en France " Nantes 14-
15/11/95. (1997), pg 173-200 - DRV/RA/RST/97.
- Micarelli P. e Devauchelle N.,. Developpement d'un biotest des ovocytes et sperme d'huître (Crassostrea gigas)
pour l'evaluation des concentrations sublethales des micropolluants provenants des egouts des stations d'épuration
urbaines et aquacoles. Rapport interne IFREMER CDD per il programma STEP2000 del Ministero dell'Ambiente
francese, Ifremer, Société Lyonnaise des eaux et Cemagref. pg 47(1995).
- Devauchelle N. et Micarelli P.,. Mise au point d'un biotest a partir d'embryons de mollusques. Rapport de 3eme
année, Grande Programme qualitè epuration des eaux (Ministero dell'ambiente francese, IFREMER, Cemagreff,
Societè Lyonnaise des eaux), 55-70 pg. (1996)
- Ponticelli A., Micarelli P., Ceccarelli R. e Canese S., . Corso di Maricoltura. Vol. I°. Centro d'Ingegneria
Economica e Sociale (CS). Zeta editrice s.n.c.(1996).
- Micarelli P. e Devauchelle N., . Osservazioni sulla respirazione degli spermatozoi di Crassostrea gigas in
presenza di sostanze quali LAS, EDTA, Coprostanolo e Caffeina riscontrate nelle acque di scarico delle stazioni di
depurazione urbana. XXVII° Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina. 20-25 Maggio Isola d'Elba. Poster
in Biol. Mar. Mediterranea, 4 (1): 654-655 (1996).issn 1123-4245.
- Sirna R., Ligas A., Micarelli P., Barlettani M., . Observations about finding of seaturtle,(Caretta carettaL.)
specimen along Maremman coast– the importance of the voluntary service. Proceedings 5° Convegno Nazionale sui
Cetacei e sulle Tartarughe Marine 6-9/12/2001.
- Fattorosi L., Minucci G., Micarelli P., Corsolini S., . Preliminary comments about the presence of Cetaceans in
the Tuscan Arcipelago. Proceedings 5° Convegno Nazionale sui Cetacei e sulle Tartarughe Marine. 6-9/12/2001.
- Barlettani M. e Micarelli P., . Husbandry in natural conditions of Anthias anthias. 21° Meeting - European
Union of Aquarium Curator, Vienna (2003)
- Caruso T., Ciampolini G., Focardi S., Micarelli P., Diversity of necto benthic fish assemblage in the shallow
Posidonia oceanica reef at Santa Liberata (Mediterranean sea, Central Tyrrhenian). European Marine Biology
Symposium Genova in press (2004)..
- Micarelli P., Barlettani M.,. First record of a specimen of the Specie Fistularia commersonii (FISTULARIDAE
PISCES) in waters of the Tyrrhenian northerner. 36° Congress S.I.B.M. Trieste Italy.(2005)
- Micarelli P., Spinetti S., Tripepi S, Sperone E., Observations about surface behaviour of the great white shark
Carcharodon carcharias (L.) versus passive preys in DYER ISLAND (SOUTHAFRICA). 37° Congress S.I.B.M.
Biol.Mar.Medit. (2006).
- Lenzi M., Franchi E., Giovani P., Micarelli P., Perra G., Roffilli R., Solari D. & Focardi S., 2007 - Change in the
phytobenthos settlement along tha Santa Liberata coast (Southern Tuscany, Italy). Proceeding of the Third
Mediterranean Simposium on Marine Vegetation 27-29/3/07 Marseilles, UNEP, MAP, RAC/SPA, pp. 88-95.
- Micarelli P., Spinetti S., Andreotti S., Camigliano G., Rabboni E., Tripepi S. & Sperone E., – Comportamento
sociale nel Grande Squalo Bianco Carcharodon carcharias L.: prime osservazioni condotte su una popolazione
sudafricana. 68° Congresso UZI, Lecce 24-27 settembre 2007, 109-110.
- Micarelli P., Canetti D., Sperone E. & Spinetti S., – Effect of salinity on the respiration of the Nursehound,
Scyliorhinus stellaris. 11th Meeting European Elasmobranch Association, Brest (France) 23-26 novembre 2007, 33.
- Micarelli P., Serena F., Sperone E. & Spinetti S.,– Public aquaria, useful tools for reproduction and tagging
programs. The case of Nursehound (Scyliorhinus stellaris) in south of Tuscany, Italy. 11th Meeting European
Elasmobranch Association, Brest (France) 23-26 novembre 2007, 39.
- Sperone E., Micarelli P., Spinetti S., Andreotti S., Camigliano G., Rabboni E., Serena F. & Tripepi S., –
Preliminary observations on the Great White Shark social behaviour at Dyer Island (South Africa). 11th Meeting
European Elasmobranch Association, Brest (France) 23-26 novembre 2007, 57.
- Sperone E., Micarelli P., Cugliari D.P., Coppola F., Paolino S., Aloise G., Paolillo G & Tripepi S., Elasmobranchs
of Calabria (southern Italy): a preliminary report. 11th Meeting European Elasmobranch Association, Brest (France)
23-26 novembre 2007, 58.
- Sperone E., MicarelliP., Rutzen M., Spinetti S., Andreotti S., Brandmayr P. & Tripepi S., – Osservazioni sul
comportamento di superficie del Grande Squalo Bianco Carcharodon carcharias (L.) a Dyer Island (Sudafrica). Atti
XXIII Congresso della Società Italiana di Etologia, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), 17-21 settembre 2008, 69.
- Spinetti S., Micarelli P., Camigliano G., Paolino S., Camisa F., Andreotti S. & Sperone E., – Considerazioni
preliminari sul comportamento del Grande Squalo Bianco in presenza di prede passive diverse nelle acque antistanti Dyer
Island (Sudafrica). Atti XXIII Congresso della Società Italiana di Etologia, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), 17-21
settembre 2008, 70.
- Micarelli P., Spinetti S., Muià C., Andreotti S., Vitaro M., Leone A., Camigliano G., Antonucci., Sperone E. &
Tripepi S. – Is it good-looking or does it smell good? Preliminary observations about Great White Shark’s discriminatory
patterns. 13° EEA Meeting – Palma de Mallorca Spain. Proceeding of the Congress. 2009.
- Sperone E., Micarelli P., Andreotti S., Spinetti S., Andreani A., Serena F. & Tripepi S., Social interactions among
bait-attracted white sharks at Dyer Island (South Africa). Marine Biology Research, I.F. 1,147. 2010
- Sperone E., Micarelli P., Camigliano G., Brunelli E., Brandmayr P. & Tripepi S., – Effects of weather conditions
on visual predatory tactics in bait-attracted white sharks. First International Sharks Congress, Cairns Australia.
Proceeding of congress. 2010
- Micarelli P., Sperone E., Barone M., Bottaro:, Clò S., De Sabata E., Mancusi C., Serena F.
Spatiotemporal distribution of great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias, Linnaeus 1758) along Italian coasts: Records from
international Medlem program and other contributions. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual
Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
- Micarelli P., Ventura D., Sperone E., DeLucia L., Lagana A. Husbandry of tropical benthonic sharks (Chiloscyllium
griseum, C. punctatum and Atelomycterus marmoratus): First step to develop protocols for controlled breeding with
conservation purpose. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European
Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
- Sperone E., Micarelli P., Parise G., Leone A., Biasone P., Camigliano G., Tripepi S. Visual approach tactics by white
sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) under baited conditions and effects of cloud cover. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet
of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
- Sperone e., Parise G., Leone A., Milazzo C., Circosta V., Santoro G., Paolillo G., Micarelli P., Tripepi S.
Spatiotemporal patterns of distribution of large predatory sharks in Calabria (central Mediterranean, southern Italy). ACTA
ADRIATICA, 53 (1): 13-24 2012
- Sperone E., Micarelli P., Andreotti S., Brandmayr P. Bernabo I., Brunelli E., Tripepi S. Surface behaviour of baitattracted
white sharks at Dyer Island (South Africa). Marine Biology Research, 8 (10): 982-
991 DOI: 10.1080/17451000.2012.708043 2012
- Coppola F., Sperone E., Circosta V., Parise G., Giglio., Madeo E., Micarelli P., Tripepi S., Ribas A., Milazzo.
Preliminary data on the elminthfauna of some elasmobranchs from Calabria (central Mediterranean, Southern Italy). Poster
Abstract. In: Programm and Abstracts, 16. European Elasmobranch Association Conference (EEA), Italy: 95 2012
- Marsili L., Rizzuto S., Giannetti M., Coppola D., Casini S., Fossi M.C., Andreotti S., Conrad M., Van Wyk H.,
Sperone E., Tripepi S., Micarelli P. Skin biopsy as a sensitive non-lethal technique for the ecotoxicological studies of South
African great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias). Abstract. In: Programm and Abstracts, 16. European Elasmobranch
Association Conference (EEA), Italy: 32 2012
- Micarelli P., Di Grumo D., Delucia L., & Sperone E. Individual identification of small-spotted catsharks (Scyliorhinus
canicula Linnaeus 1758) for captivity research. Poster Abstract. In: Programm and Abstracts, 16. European Elasmobranch
Association Conference (EEA), Italy: 76 2012
- Sperone E., Micarelli P., CircostaV., Leone A., Camigliano G., Muià C., Dramisino A., Toscani F., Chieppa F.,
Iafrate A., Toraldo Serra M.L. & Tripepi S. Surface behaviour of bait-attracted white sharks at Dyer Island (South Africa).
Poster Abstract.In: Programm and Abstracts, 16. European Elasmobranch Association Conference (EEA), Italy: 93 2012
- Sperone E., Micarelli P., Circosta V., Milazzo C., Parise G., Sangermano I., Madeo E., Rocca D., Scalise S., Cappa
P., Lucifora., G., Tripepi S. & Giglio G. Contribution to the distribution of sharks in the Calabrian seas (central
Mediterranean, Southern Italy). Poster Abstract. In: Programm and Abstracts, 16. European Elasmobranch Association
Conference (EEA), Italy: 94 2012
- Sperone E., Coppola F., Giglio G., Circosta V., Micarelli P., Tripepi S. & Compagno L.J.V.
New Mediterranean Marine biodiversity records (December, 2013): 2.6. On the occurrence of the dusky shark Carcharhinus
obscurus in Calabria (Central Mediterrane an, Southern Italy).Mediterranean Marine Science, 14 (2): 467-468
DOI: 10.12681/mms.676 2013
- Leone A., Gregory N.P., Cariani A., Sperone E., Tripepi S., Micarelli P., Gambarelli A., Sarà M., Arculeo M.,
Doria G., Garibaldi F., Dall’Asta A., Minelli D., Cilli E., Vanni S., Serena F., & Tinti F. Novel insights into the origin of
Mediterranean Great White Shark population from ancient mtDNA genetic variation (E.E.A. Plymouth U.K.) 2013
- Giglio G., Sperone E., Rabboni E., Giglioli D., Micarelli P., Tripepi S. New approaches to study the Great
White Shark. Oral presentation Congress U.Z.I. (Unione Zoologica Italiana) october Genova. 2014
- Sperone E., Micarelli P., Parise G., Circosta V., Giglio G., Tripepi S., Compagno L.J.V.. Social interactions
between white sharks around floating objects and influences of some environmental conditions: Program and abstracts
of Shark –international, Durban ; 170 (2014)
- Mancusi C., Baino R., Barone M., Morey G., Vacchi M., Gil de Sola L., Bradai M.N., Sperone E.,
Kallianotis A., Hemida F., Saad A.A., Dimech M., Peristeraki P., Bariche M., Cavlan G., Clo S., De Sabata
E., Castellano L., Garibaldi F., Tinti F., Pais A., Follesa C., Micarelli P., Poisson F., Carlucci R., Soldo A.,
Bottaro M., Cebrian D., Kabasakal H., Fortuna C., Seret B., Ferretti F., El-far A., Saygu I., Shakman E.A.,
Bartoli A., Guallart J., Damalas D., Megalofonou P., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Cannas R., Colombo S.,
Serena F A data collection on large cartilagineous fishes in the Mediterranean basin. Abstract of Sharks
International Durban; 50 (2014).
- Micarelli P., Sperone E., Giglio G., Pecchia J., Romano C., Scuderi A., Vespaziani L., Mele. Dorsal fin
photoidentification: tool for long term studies of White shark (Carcharodon carcharias) behaviour Abstract: 46ç
Congresso Società Italiana Biologia Marina Roma, 10-12 giugno 2015 – 144-145.
- Sperone E., Circosta A.L., Giglio G., Tripepi S., Micarelli P., (2015) Preliminary observations on Great White
Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) suface predatory activity: Congresso Società Italiana di Biologia Marina Roma 10-
12 giugno; 160-161.
- Rizzuto S., Casini S., Coppola D., Giannetti M., Fossi M.C., Van Wyk H., Sperone E., Tripepi S., Micarelli
P., Marsili L., (2015) Skin biopsy as a sensitive non-lethal technique for the ecotoxicological studies of Great White
Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) .: 46° Congresso Società Italiana Biologia Marina Roma 10-12 Giugno; 204-205
University tutor or cotutor:
1) Valentina Gargiulo - University of Siena, Degree, Department of SMFN. Posidonia monitoring of fish populations in
an emerging Posidonia meadows (barrier-reef) along the coast of M.Argentario. (2003 Prof.R. BARGAGLI supervisor,
co- P.Micarelli).
2) Gabriel Ciampolini - University of Siena, Degree Faculty SMFN. Alpha diversity of necto-benthic fish in Posidonieto
eadows of S.Liberata (Orbetello, Grosseto) - (2003 Prof.R.Bargagli supervisor, and co, T.Caruso P.Micarelli).
3) Lydie Gautier - University of Nancy. Master degree. Etude du maintien de Posidonia oceanica en conditions
artificielles, et une application de nurserie Signathus typhle. (2004 Prof.M.Thomas supervisor, co P.Micarelli).
4) M.Matassini University of Siena, Degree Faculty SMFN. Aims and management of public aquariums. Design and
maintenance of a pool for the coral platform, at the Aquarium Mediterranean Argentario - (2004 Prof.R.Bargagli
supervisor, co P.Micarelli).
5) F.Montagni-Fargna – University of Siena, Degree Faculty SMFN The role of an aquarium for the understanding and
preservation of the marine environment: playing in the meadows posidonieto of S.Liberata (Gr) (2004 , supervisor Prof.
R.Bargagli, co P.Micarelli).
6) Alberto Grandi - University of Siena, Degree Faculty SMFN. Reconstruction of a Mediterranean Coastal Environment
in the aquarium and issues related to feeding. (2005, supervised by Prof. R.Bargagli, co P.Micarelli).
7) Fabio Barbetti - University of Siena - Degree Environmental science- Creation and design of Aquarium including
tanks with sharks - including the Planning and Realisation Aquarium tanks wiht sharks (supervised by Prof. R.Bargagli
co Micarelli P.) 2010
8) Sara Spinetti - University of Siena - Degree Environmental Science - Conservation and Environmental Education in
Aquarium - Observations in the husbandry of tropical benthonic sharks (Chiloscyllium griseum) and educational
activities and conservation. (supervised by Prof. R.Bargagli Co Micarelli P.) 2010
9) Luca De Lucia - University of Messina - Master's Thesis 2010 - Marine Biology - Observations and analysis of the
stress response induced by changes in salinity and measured by the consumption of oxygen in the Scyliorhinus canicula,
at Marine World Aquarium of M.Marittima. (co Micarelli P).
10) Giuseppe Camigliano University of Calabria 2011 – Degree Natural Sciences - Behavioral individual modules of the
surface of the white shark in the presence of passive prey. Modules of individual behavioral surface of the white shark in
the presence of passive prey (co Sperone E. and P. Micarelli)
11) Paola Filippelli University of Calabria 2011 – Degree Natural Sciences - Influence of cloudiness on the predatory
behavior of the white shark Carcharodon carcharias. - Influence of cloudiness on the predatory behavior of the white
shark Carcharodon carcharias. (Co Sperone E. and Micarelli P)
12) Carmen Muià University of Calabria 2011 – Degree Natural Sciences - Influence of environmental conditions on
feeding behavior of the Great White Shark. - (co Sperone E. and Micarelli P)
13) Agostino Leone University of Calabria 2011 – Degree Biological Sciences - Modules individual and social behavior
of white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the presence of passive prey to Dyer Island (South Africa). - (Co Sperone E.
Micarelli P)
14) Carolina Randi University of Bologna – 2011 – Degree Aquaculture and Fish Pathology - Study of the behavior in
the nature of Carcharodon carcharias - (co Micarelli P. Scaravelli D)
15) Giovanni Rossi - University of Siena – 2011 – Degree Biology - Scyliorhinus canicula in Aquarium Husbandry and
growth observations. (Co Micarelli P.)
16) Davide Di Grumo - University of Siena 2012- Degree Biology - Observations on the growth in the laboratory of
Scyliorhinus canicula and methods of identification of individual specimens. - (co Micarelli P.)
17) Simone Rizzuto Siena University Master degree 2012 - Environmental Science - Skin biopsies for the
ecotoxicological assessment of the health state of the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) in Dyer Island -South
Africa (co-Marsili P. L. Micarelli)
18) Alessio Iafrate Pisa University of Science Master degree 2012 - Marine Biology - Predatory behavior and influence
of weather on attack strategies of the Great White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias. -. (Supervisor Prof.Luschi, P.
19) Lucrezia Vespaziani - University of Bologna and Cesenatico Degree - 2012 - Veterinary - Ethology of the Great
White Shark and elements of photo-identification. (Responsible Dr. Zaccaroni, co Micarelli P.)
20) Delia Ventura - University of Messina - Master Degree 2012 - Marine Biology and Ecology - Experiences and
observations on husbandry of tropical benthic sharks: Chiloscyllium punctatum, Chiloscyllium griseum and
Atelomicterus marmoratus. - (Prof. Trischitta, co Micarellli P.)
21) Andrea Girardi - University of Siena - Degree 2013 - Environmental Sciences - Chiloscyllium griseum (M & H,
1838) Aquarium husbandry in Europe. (Prof.Bargagli, co Micarelli P.)
22) Federico Chieppa - University of Pisa - Master Degree 2013 - Marine Biology - Analysis of the Great White Shark
predatory behavior to passive prey in South Africa - (Prof . Luschi and Dr.Micarelli)
23) Francesca Schillaci - University of Siena – Master degree 2013 - Environmental Sciences -Ecotoxicological
investigations of species of elasmobranchs "top predators" of the Mediterranean. (Supervisor Prof.. C.Fossi, co, Marsili,
Coppola, Micarelli)
24) Anna Semeraro - University of Siena - Degree 2013 - Environmental Sciences - Chiloscyllium punctatum (Müller &
Henle, 1838) Management in Aquarium and observation on growth. - (Supervisor Prof.Bargagli R., P. Dr.Micarelli)
25) Audrey Stefanini - Université de Paris VI Jussieux - Master en Sciences et Technologies de l'Environnement et du
Vivant (STVE) - Spécialité Écologie Biodiversité Évolution (EBE) (2013) - Étude du comportement d’investigation du
grand requin blanc ( Carcharodon carcharias) en fonction du stimulus visuel, dans le cadre d'une activité de foraging en
surface, au sein de la population de Dyer Island (Afrique du Sud). (Responsable du internship Dr.Micarelli)
26) Claudia Chimenti - University of Siena - 2013 – Master Degree in Environmental Science - Observation of the effects
of some environmental factors on the predatory behavior and social in Carcharodon carcharias in the south-west of
South Africa Rapporteur Prof.Bargagli, co Dr.Micarelli
27) Filippo Pieraccini - University of Florence - 2014 – Master degree Biological Sciences - Influence of males on the
social network of a group of female, S. canicula. Prof.Dessì, co Dr.Micarelli
28) Francesca Toscani – Università della Calabria – 2014 – Master Degree - Laurea in Biodiversità e Sistemi Naturali -
Complexity and structure of the individual behavior of the white shark and influence of environmental variables.
Prof.Tripepi, correlatori Dr.Sperone e Dr.Micarelli
29) Andrea Dramisino – Università della Calabria – 2014 – Master Degree - Laurea in Biodiversità e Sistemi Naturali –
Role of gender and age in the structuring of the social behavior of the white shark. Prof.Tripepi, correlatori Dr.Sperone e
30) Giuseppe Camigliano– Università della Calabria – 2014 – Master Degree - Laurea in Biodiversità e Sistemi naturali
- Complexity of ethograms in relation to sex and age of the white shark. Prof.Tripepi, correlatori Dr.Sperone e
31) Carmen Muià– Università della Calabria – 2014 – Master Degree - Laurea in Biodiversità e Sistemi naturali -
Choice of prey and technical approach to it. Prof.Tripepi, correlatori Dr.Sperone e Dr.Micarelli
2007 – award obtained in July in Rome at the Campidoglio: Goletta verde 2007: I am a friend of the sea, XXII°
edition, by the President of Legambiente Dr.Della Seta, at the presence of the Minister of the Environment.
Member of the Italian Society of Marine Biology S.I.B.M. - Committees; Aquaculture Management, Coastal
Member of G.R.I.S. (Italian Shark Research Group from Italian Society of Marine Biology), F.Serena
Full Member of European Union of Aquarium Curators E.U.A.C.
Member of Italian Biologist Order
Member of Shark Alliance
Founder and Coordinator of Centro Studi Squali – Aquarium Mondo Marino
Scientific Responsible and Coordinator of Unità di Studio e Ricerca sugli Squali Bianchi
Member G.F.C.M. since 2011
Scuba diver certifications:
Open water scuba diver 1 star ANIS.FISMAR CONI. 19\11\89 - Open water scuba diver 2 stars ANIS.FISMAR
CONI. 1\8\93 - Open water advanced PADI-EUROPE 10\1\94
Rescue diver PADI-EUROPE 25\1\94
Medical first aid PADI-EUROPE
Dive master PADI-EUROPE 8\2\94.
White Shark Awareness PADI\UK 2005-11


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